Scope & Sequence: Science & Nature

astronomy biology chemistry geology nature physics science scope and sequence Feb 08, 2024

There are some really special things about the four cycle approach to homeschooling. One is predictability, and knowing what's ahead. Homeschool moms may wonder how they will cover all the subjects with their kids? I understand this concern! While I don't believe you have to teach your child everything (because, even as adults, they will be learners), I want to show you how you can get through a lot of science and nature topics in your homeschool days with them.

Choose One or More Subjects Per Year

If you're going through the four cycles with your children repeatedly, you should be able to hit each cycle three times before they graduate from high school. With this in mind, you can choose one or two subjects each year and do a deep dive into those subjects--knowing that you will come back to the cycle and will hit another subject at that point.


Some Cycles Have More Topics than Others

You will notice that some cycles have more topics than others. This is because some topics (like Biology) are broad and cover a lot, and may be repeated a couple of times. And, some topics line up naturally with other topics. Do not feel pressured to study every single topic! Choose your favorites and then choose to enjoy your time focusing on those topics.


Topics Offered in Every Cycle

There are a couple of topics offered every year: Creation Science, and also General Nature. Creation Science is about the God of the Universe creating the world, and this is a foundational subject for all children to learn. General Nature includes books with nature study that doesn't necessarily fit into one category, or isn't easily categorized.


The Cycles & Science and Nature Topics:



  • Biology
  • Anatomy
  • Insects
  • Botany
  • Animals
    • Animals-General
    • Animals-Pets
  • Deserts
    • Desert Plants
    • Desert Animals



  • Astronomy
  • Geology
    • Volcanoes
    • Earthquakes
  • Marine Biology
    • Marine Animals
      • Fish
      • Shells
    • Oceans
    • Water Cycle
    • Ocean Plants
  • Mountains
    • Mountain Animals
    • Mountain Plants



  • Chemistry
    • Food Science
  • Gardens
    • Medicinal Gardens
    • Vegetable Gardens
    • Growing Fruits
  • Birds
  • Farms
    • Farm Animals, Livestock
  • Ponds
    • Pond Animals
  • Biology (Cycle 1 is our main Biology year, but it is offered again in Cycle 3 for students who need it)



  • Physics
    • Machines
    • Inventions
    • Electronics
    • Radio Waves
  • Safety
  • Weather
  • Forests
    • Trees
    • Forest Animals
    • Mushrooms
    • Rainforests
  • Jungles
    • Jungle Plants
    • Jungle Animals

As you can see, there are lots of options! And, there is a plan for science, so that, if you choose to follow The Gentle Learning Company's cycles, there will be some order to your choices.


The Claritas Publishing Memory Work, which is optional, but wonderful, covers the following science topics:


Cycle 1: Biology

Cycle 2: Astronomy & Geology

Cycle 3: Chemistry

Cycle 4: Physics


The Gentle Learning Co. cycles follow the Claritas cycles, and then I have added other topics to this list, in order to provide a robust education, and to make use of many wonderful resources over the years you homeschool your children.

I hope this is helpful!




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